In recent years, the number of teachers in the field of education has decreased significantly. The National Education Association (NEA) reports that the number of teachers in public schools has declined by 5% since 2008, despite an increase in student numbers. This trend is concerning as it can have a significant impact on the quality of education students receive.
Factors Of The Decline
The decline in teachers is due to several factors. One of the most important problems is low wages and lack of available resources for teachers. Teachers often work long hours, spend their own money on materials, and have to deal with large class sizes. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has further strained the already limited resources available to teachers.
How Simply Skilled Can Help
To combat teacher shortages and provide resources to disadvantaged communities, organizations like Simply Skilled are stepping in. Simply Skilled is a non-profit organization that creates workbooks for students in underprivileged communities. These workbooks are designed to complement the lessons students receive at school and to provide additional resources for teachers. By providing these workbooks, Simply Skilled aims to level the playing field for students from disadvantaged communities. These students often do not have access to the same resources and opportunities as their wealthy peers. The workbooks provided by Simply Skilled help fill this gap and give these students the tools they need to succeed.
Teacher Support
Simply Skilled also aims to support teachers by providing resources for use in the classroom. Workbooks are designed to be easy to use and can be incorporated into existing lesson plans. This means teachers can spend less time preparing materials and more time focusing on their students.
In summary, the decline in teacher numbers is a worrying trend that can have a significant impact on the quality of education students are receiving. But organizations like Simply Skilled are stepping in to provide resources to disadvantaged communities and support teachers. By working together, we can ensure that every student gets the education they deserve.